Сп. „Химия“, книжка 6/2008
Curriculum MattersState Educational Requirements: Expectation and RealityРезюме. The application in school practice of the State Educational Requirements and the Programme ...
Curriculum MattersState Educational Requirements: Expectation and RealityРезюме. The application in school practice of the State Educational Requirements and the Programme ...
EditorialAxioms of Higher EducationРезюме. Three are the main factors that guarantee the successful development of the institutions of higher education. ...
Education: Theory & PracticeMy Experience in Reviewing of Theses and Other Papers in the Field of Science EducationРезюме. According to ...
Education: Theory & PracticeModern Trends in the Science of EducationРезюме. The differentiation of sciences was replaced by their integration. Recently ...
Curriculum MattersHow to Learn Hydrogen Technologies in the Secondary SchoolРезюме. It is expected the involvement of the hydrogen technologies in ...
EditorialEquilibrium and Cyclic ProcessesD. LazarovОтвори пълния текстCurriculum MattersOn the Application of Both the State Core Curricula Requirements and the Programme ...
София 1113, бул. “Цариградско шосе” № 125, бл. 5