Prof. Dr. Milen Baltov
Burgas Free University
Dr. Stela Baltova, Assoc. Prof.
International Business School
Dr. Vilyana Ruseva, Assoc. Prof.
Burgas Free University
Abstract. Governments endorse R&D promotion policies to correct for potential market failure that is caused by R&D’s positive externalities and the discrepancies between the social and private rates of return to R&D. The logical connection of the Quadruple-Helix model with the characteristics of the sectoral specialisation of the economies of the regions in terms of their innovation potential and priority areas for the development of scientific research and innovation will be investigated in this chapter. A special focus will be on the digitalisation acting as a push factor for the processes. The advantages of this approach are with the web-based services and with the established Centre of Excellence could assist SMEs from limited area, but also with the web-based services will grant the SME a number of scenarios they could follow or adjust to their specific needs.
Keywords: quadruple helix, regional innovation factors, triangle with the knowledge economy, innovative types of SMEs