Elena Karashtranova 1), Aharon Goldreich 2), Nadezhda Borisova 1)
1) South-West University “Neofit Rilski” – Blagoevgrad (Bulgaria)
2) Ministry of Education – Tel Aviv (Israel)
Abstract. Student motivation has emerged as a major issue in mathematics education in recent years. Utilizing the capabilities of contemporary technology and the accessibility of a STEM environment is crucial for the creation and application of educational materials. Integration of the created resources will increase the interest of students to pursue in-depth studies of science and math. In this paper are presented the results of the conducted study on the effectiveness of using problem-based learning (PBL) modules to learn mathematics. The study was
carried out in Israel with the participation of teachers and ninth graders. As part of our research, we created a novel program and conducted an experimental study, evaluated its impacts on the designated target groups, and analyzed how the program affected student subgroups. Pre- and post-program questionnaires measured ability feeling, relevance perception, and motivation. The results of the analysis of the students indicate a considerable rise in the motivating factors associated with self-esteem and the utility of mathematics training.
Keywords: STEM, mathematics, motivation, problem-based learning, PBL