Dr. Hab. Roman Vernydub, Assist. Prof. Dr. Oxana Trebenko,
Prof. DSc. Oleksandr Shkolnyi
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University – Kyiv (Ukraine)
Abstract. In the article, we analyze the survey results on employers’ (administrators of schools and vocational colleges) interest, readiness and opportunity for cooperation in training math teachers in a dual form of education. The opinion of employers regarding the advantages, disadvantages and obstacles in the implementation of such a study mode was studied. Several specific issues that need to be resolved in order to effectively implement a dual mode of study in math teacher training have been identified. The obtained results could be used by universities that provide training in pedagogical specialties, experts in the field of education, state authorities and local government organizations that take care of education issues, as well as other specialists interested in the spread of the dual form of obtaining education in Ukraine and abroad.
Keywords: dual study; math teacher training; quality of math teacher education