Assoc. Prof. Iryna Mironova, DSc.
Dr. Nataliia Shevchenko
Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University (Ukraine)
Аbstract. The article is devoted to one of the important aspects of the Stolypin agrarian reform – the practical activities of land settlement commissions in the field of land surveying in Southern Ukraine in 1906 – 1917. The personnel, tasks and functional responsibilities of members of land settlement commissions are clarified. The main types, volumes and results of land surveying works in the region are determined. It is proved that the practice of boundary works differed in the modernization of technical measures for the elimination of cross-strips, small-strips, far-flung land, which led to improved field cultivation, increased agricultural yields and rising land prices. Special attention is paid to land management in the Bulgarian colonies of the region.
Keywords: South of Ukraine; Stolypin agrarian reform; land settlement commissions; boundary survey; land management; Bulgarian colonies