Сп. „Химия“, книжка 3/2018
Education: Theory & PracticePhysics Is an Ever Young Science Резюме. A Conference - Varna, October, 27-29, 2017T. YovchevaОтвори пълния текстEducation:...
Вижте повечеEducation: Theory & PracticePhysics Is an Ever Young Science Резюме. A Conference - Varna, October, 27-29, 2017T. YovchevaОтвори пълния текстEducation:...
Вижте повечеLetters to the EditorEnhancing Quality of Teaching and Learning in the Project "Bonding the World with Chemistry"K. Benova, V. Konstantinova,...
Вижте повечеEditorialBulgarian Journal of Science Education in 2018B. V. ToshevОтвори пълния текстEducation: Theory & PracticeThe Successful Teacher Through the Perspective of...
Вижте повечеLetters to the EditorThe Teaching Method Named "Starter-Experiment-Approach"N. Syla, G. HodolliОтвори пълния текстEducation: Theory & PracticeEmpowering Students' Chemistry Learning: The...
Вижте повечеNews47th National Conference of Bulgarian Teachers in ChemistryOnlineОтвори пълния текстNewsJournal of Interest: A Review (2016) - Bulgarian Journal of Science...
Вижте повечеEducation: Theory & PracticeThe Intellectual Reflection of 15-17 Years-Old Students in the Teaching of "Biology and Health Education": Levels and...
Вижте повечеEducation: Theory & PracticePerception of Preservice Science Teachers in the Constructivist Science Learning EnvironmentРезюме. Science learning was affected by various...
Вижте повечеLetters to the EditorOn the Placement of Hydrogen and Helium in the Periodic Sistem: A CommentJ. Cvetkovic, V. M. PetrusevskiОтвори...
Вижте повечеEditorialFor Successful Education B.V. ToshevОтвори пълния текстEducation: Theory & PracticeHigher Education Perspectives for an Exciting Educational Experience - Part VII:...
Вижте повечеLetters to the EditorOn the Use of Uniform Conceptional Terms in Education and LearnimgA.A. PanaiotovОтвори пълния текстNew ApproachesKp Does Not...
Вижте повечеСофия 1113, бул. “Цариградско шосе” № 125, бл. 5