Assoc. Prof. Ivan Beloev, Assoc. Prof. Valentina Vasileva
University of Ruse „Angel Kanchev“
Assoc. Prof. Sergii Bilan, Assoc. Prof. Maria Bondar,
Assoc. Prof. Oksana Bulgakova, Assoc. Prof. Lyubov Shymko
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Abstract. Pedagogical science sees the specificity of higher engineering education in the fact that future engineers need not only to master the theoretical foundations of engineering calculations, but what is especially important for quality professional training, is to acquire stable abilities and skills to implement successful practical activities – readiness for independent professional improvement. At the same time, the development of communication technologies, a derivative of the needs of civil society, has accelerated markedly due to the forced physical isolation caused by the need to combat the Covid-19 pandemic. The transfer of knowledge in traditional forms between participants in the educational process, due to the dramatically increased mobility of the parties, is losing its effectiveness. The Internet, educational platforms, and social media have undeniably increased the speed and volume of information exchange. The authors of the article, having experience in using and evaluating the effectiveness of various communication technologies and tools, conclude that there is an obvious qualitative improvement in the digital competence of students.
Keywords: higher engineering education; communications; social media; distance learning; artificial intelligence