Two Professions in Education
Резюме. There are two professions in education – teachers who do it and researchers who study it. The characteristics and differences between these professions are described. The preconditions are listed and commented someone to be a successful teacher or a successful researcher. The differences in the publication activity of those two kinds of specialists are emphasized – the teachers share their teaching experience with other teachers while the reading audience of the researchers includes other researchers from the science of education.
Keywords: teacher, educator, researcher, science of education, teachers’ papers, academic papers
References: 15
B.V. Toshev
Teachers’ Competition 2009: International Foundation „Sts. Cyril and Methodius“
Curriculum Matters
The Home – Problems of Health and Ecology and Their Place in Chemistry and Environment Learning
Резюме. Some opportunities of extending knowledge on health care and other ecological topics when learning Chemistry and Environment by 7-grade pupils are discussed. All the data, used in this article, concerning the environmental problems, caused by substances and materials with use in residential and public buildings, are extracted from international and governmental documents. Here are proposed some ideas for adding such knowledge to the Chemistry and Environment curriculum in early chemistry education.
Keywords: chemistry education, health care education, practice tasks, residential ecology
Notes: 23; References: 13
D. Ilieva, L. Boyanova
Chemistry Exam for 2008′ Entrance Competition in the University of Sofia
Резюме. It is a tradition the entrance exam in chemistry for the University of Sofia to be hold in two independent parts. So was in 2008 campaign also. Each part consists 20 test questions and 4 logic problems, different in content but of (comparatively) similar difficulty. Going on for both parts is compulsory, since each one is ranked separately and the final mark is the better one. In tha paper are presented the two parts of 2008 chemistry exam – all test questions and problems. Some main difficulties and mistakes in candidate student papers are pointed out and discussed. The correct answers (of test questions) and solution (of logic problems)could be found in the web site of Sofia University Chemical Faculty.
Keywords: entrance exam in chemistry, test questions, logic problems, main difficulties and mistakes
E. Stanoeva, G. Pekov, D. Tasheva, P. Tsanova, H. Chanev
2011 – International Year of Chemistry
Fundamentals of Theoretical and Applied Chemistry: Role of Ancient Arabian and Egyptian Scientists
Резюме. The modern chemistry is based on the finding and thinking of the people of Historical age. If no one knows the base and work of the previous on a subject, he or she could mere develop a new thought or finding. For, a civilization must know its past. Hence, the present work is a small effort to find out the contribution of ancient Arabian and Egyptian scientists in the field of chemistry. Different scientists of different school of thought, correlating different streams of science being chemistry as a main subject, are described in the present paper.
Keywords: ancient Arabs, Egyptian scientist, chemistry, theory, application
References: 8
Md. Wasim Aktar, M. Paramasivam
Chemistry & Society
The Problem of Air Pollution with Gas Emissions from Thermal Power Plants Combusting Maritsa East Coal and Its Role in the Education in Chemistry and Environmental Safety
Резюме. The current status of an atmospheric air pollution in Stara Zagora (SZ) region has been analyzed and various ways for its inclusion in different stages of the school education in chemistry and environmental safety have been proposed. The level and sources of pollution with nitric oxides, sulfur oxides and dust are localized based on the available monitoring data. The amount of SO3 in the flue gases and in the air is not followed. This oxide forms fine acidic mist with the atmospheric moisture and, therefore, must be regarded as the most dangerous pollutant in the region. It is an ingredient of the acidic and/or photochemical smog causing the direct injures and environmental damages. It is shown that the combustion chambers of the Maritsa East Power Complex emit in the atmosphere about 100 tons of SO3 daily and how this amount cane rise many times at „appropriate“ condition in the atmosphere air due to secondary oxidation of SO2. The available data for two registered ambient air pollution of SZ city are discussed. It is shown how the presented data and analyzes can be used by the school education in chemistry to form ecological culture among the students in the schools.
Keywords: acidic and/or photochemical smog formation, coal combustion, air pollution, environmental education
Notes: 11; References: 17
J. Ninov, A. Sokolova