Dr. Daniela Tuparova, Assoc. Prof.
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”
Dr. Margarita Stankova, Assoc. Prof. Ms. Tsveta Kamenski
Dr. Ekaterina Todorova, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Georgi Tuparov, Assoc. Prof.
New Bulgarian University
Absract. This article presents and analyses a study on the perceptions and attitudes towards the use of Educational Computer Games in the practice of speech and language therapists in Bulgaria.116 specialists were involved in a survey, designed by the authors, and answered various questions about the use of ECG in their everyday practice. More than half of the participants – 77% (N=88) stated that they use ECG in their everyday practice. The results of the survey clearly demonstrated that according to 64.5% of the respondents, the use of ECG has a positive impact on the educational process. Only 3.9% of the participants in the survey consider ECG to have a negative effect on their work. On top of the list of positive effects we find knowledge acquisition (68,4%), followed by motivation for learning (65,8%), and at the bottom – development of communication skills (43,4%). Some (59%) of the participants think that the use of ECG has a positive effect on the skills and motivation of the children on their homework activities. The analysis of the results leads to the conclusion that the majority of the specialists in Bulgaria find the use of ECG useful in their practice, with positive outcomes for the children, as well as themselves.
Keywords: educational computer games (ECG); children with special educational needs; speech and language therapy