Prof. Milena Kirova, DSc.
Sofia UniversityМ
Absract. The article presents a phenomenon that until now has not been the subject of an independent and systematic study in Bulgarian literary studies. Tracing the development of the Bulgarian novel over the last three decades, it brings out the presence of a relatively homogeneous group of works that share common literary characteristics and ways of communicating with the reading audience. Systematizing and summarizing observations on more than ten novels published by contemporary Bulgarian writers, all of them university professors, the paper
defines several specific features that are common to them. The phenomenon of the
Professorenroman is examined briefly in the historical context of its emergence in
the 19th century, and in more detail as an effect and consequence of the development
of Postmodernism in Bulgaria since the end of the 20th century. Novels published
most recently, including in 2022, are in focus.
Keywords: Bulgarian literature; Professorenroman; Postmodernism; prose writing academics