Survey Of Maritime Student Satisfaction: A Case Study On The International Student Survey To Identify The Satisfaction Of Students In Mathematical Courses
Anita Gudelj 1), Jeļena Liģere 2), Inga Zaitseva-Pärnaste 3),
Agata Załęska-Fornal 4)
1)University of Split (Croatia)
2)Latvian Maritime Academy (Latvia)
3)Estonian Maritime Academy, Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia)
4)Polish Naval Academy (poland)
Abstract. This study presents the analyses of students’ preferences, satisfaction and perception of learning mathematical subjects at higher education maritime institutions in Croatia, Latvia, Estonia and Poland. All these institutions participate as project partners in the MareMathics project. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching and learning mathematics, a preliminary student survey was conducted in all project partner institutions…
Evaluation Of Cruiser Traffic Variables In Seaports Of The Republic Of Croatia
Maja Račić, Katarina Balić, Mira Pavlinović, Antonija Mišura
University of Split (Croatia)
Abstract. The paper analyses the data on ship and passenger availability in the busiest ports in the Republic of Croatia. In order to evaluate the variables related to cruiser traffic in seaports in the period from 2015 to 2023 in the Republic of Croatia, it was first necessary to determine the following most important variables of the proposed model: the port of Dubrovnik, the port of Split, the port of Zadar, the port of Rijeka and the port of Šibenik…
Addressing Maritime Industry Feedback For Continuous Improvement: A Process Model
Emeliza T. Estimo, Geneveve M. Aguilar
John B. Lacson Colleges Foundation (Philippines)
Abstract. Stakeholders’ satisfaction is essential for sustainability. It provides opportunities for learning the strengths and weaknesses of an institution or organization to design and improve the quality of its services to promote goodwill and effective partnerships with the industry and the community…
Comparative Analysis Of The Contracts For Maritime Transport Services. Chain Of Charter Parties
Svetlana Dimitrakieva, Ognyan Kostadinov, Christiana Atanasova
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Bulgaria)
Abstract. A basic principle in Law is the freedom of contract. Particularly, in Private Shipping Law, contractual parties may agree on all lawful terms and conditions which are most appropriate for the performance of the carriage…
Influence Of Optimism Upon The Accumulation Of Stress, Mental State And Perceived Risks For The Future Of Students, In The Conditions Of Covid–19 Pandemic
Valeri Stoyanov
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Bulgaria)
Abstract. An empirical psychological study was conducted with students from Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy, using both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The aim of the research was to test the role of optimism on the accumulation of stress in the conditions of pandemic of COVID-19, their mental states, experiences in connection with social isolation and perceived risks for the future and career…
The Lightship Mass Calculation Model Of A Merchant Ship By Empirical Methods
Vedran Slapničar 1), Katarina Zadro 2),
Viktor Ložar 1), Ivo Ćatipović 1)
1)University of Zagreb (Croatia)
2)Zagreb (Croatia)
Abstract. Estimating the lightship mass is an important factor in the early stage of ship design given its impact on shipbuilding costs. The mass of the hull and equipment, as well as its distribution, affects the hull strength, deadweight, and stability of the ship. Furthermore, a good estimate of the lightship mass in the preliminary phase is very important for defining the construction costs as accurately as possible…
Impact Of Engine Room Simulator As A Tool For Training And Assessing Bsmare Students’ Performance In Engine Watchkeeping
Charles Mangga, Paul Tibo-oc, Ronnie Montaño
John B. Lacson Colleges Foundation (Philippines)
Abstract. Ship engine room simulator is a tool used by maritime academies that offer the Marine Engineering Program. According to the Standards of Training Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW), to provide physical realism in training and assessment, simulators are employed…
The Challenges Of Teaching English To The Marine Electrical Engineering Students
Milena Dževerdanović-Pejović, Tatijana Dlabač
University of Montenegro (Montenegro)
Abstract. Teaching requirements for Maritime English teachers have been adapting to changes in social and work setting. The changing nature of the learning environment and the growing demand for the ETO (Electro-Technical Officer) at the seafaring market called for the need to adapt the English language learning plans to the language requirements of the amended STCW (International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers) code…
On Education And Training In Maritime Communications And The Gmdss During The Covid-19
Chavdar Alexandrov, Grozdyu Grozev,
Georgi Dimitrov, Avgustin Hristov
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Bulgaria)
Abstract. This paper presents the experience of Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (NVNA) teaching staff in providing education and training to students in Maritime communications and the GMDSS during the pandemic crisis. Within a one-year time period including a number of complete and partial lockdowns, many courses were organized in the Academy following all restrictions imposed by the situation…
Study Of Malaria Cases Among Seafarers In Croatia And The Causes Of Ineffective Chemoprophylaxis Among Them
Rosanda Mulić, Andrea Russo, Iris Jerončić Tomić
University of Split (Croatia)
Abstract. Introduction: Malaria in Croatia was endemic until 1954, when the last autochthonous cases were reported. Now we have imported cases and the disease still most commonly affects seafarers and workers temporarily employed in malaria endemic countries.
The aim of this study was to investigate ineffective malaria chemoprophylaxis among Croatian seafarers…
Air Pollutant Emission Measurement
Nikola Račić, Branko Lalić, Ivan Komar,
Frane Vidović, Ladislav Stazić
University of Split (Croatia)
Abstract. One of the main methods for estimating air pollutant emissions from ships is the method developed by Carlo Trozzi, which was later accepted and recommended by the European Environment Agency in its air pollutant emission inventory guidebooks…
Swarm Of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles – Preliminary Results Of The Control System
Tomasz Praczyk, Tadeusz Bodnar
Polish Naval Academy (Poland)
Abstract. A swarm of autonomous underwater vehicles can be a valuable alternative for fully equipped and very expensive super-vehicles…
Assessment Of Lng Bunkering Accidents
Peter Vidmar, Andrej Androjna
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Abstract. The maritime safety is of great concern for the entire maritime community. Ships using LNG for propulsion are already sailing the seas, but the majority of the ports are not yet prepared for this kind of supply. As the process of LNG bunkering is only seemingly similar to traditional oil bunkering or liquid loading, dealing with the technical and safety challenges is much more subject of investigation…
Egr Operation Influence On The Marine Engine Efficiency
Delyan Hristov, Ivan Ivanov, Dimitar Popov
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Bulgaria)
Abstract. In the work presented, the focus is on the influence of the EGR operation on the engine performance factors. Basic principles of the EGR operation are considered and experiment with electronically controlled engine is carried out on a Kongsberg marine simulator…
The Reliability Of Watertight Longitudinal Girders Of Fuel Tanks On Aging Bulk Carriers
Špiro Ivošević 1), Nataša Kovač 2)
1) University of Montenegro (Montenegro)
2) University of Donja Gorica (Montenegro)
Abstract. During the exploitation of bulk carriers, the condition of structural elements and areas depends on the type of the cargo transported, operational conditions and maintenance systems. Corrosion significantly accelerates the aging of metal plates and girders thus causing the deterioration of steel surfaces, which consequently reduces the reliability of structural elements, areas and ships in general…
The Measurement Of Exhaust Gas Emissions By Testo 350 Maritime – Exhaust Gas Analyzer
Bruna Bacalja, Maja Krčum,
Tomislav Peša, Marko Zubčić
University of Split (Croatia)
Abstract. This paper presents the measurement process of the emissions from marine diesel engines. The emission measurement was carried out by the certified TESTO 350 Maritime exhaust gas analyzer on the Juraj Dalmatinac ferry Caterpillar C32 engines…
Implementation Of A Systematic Materials Selection Method In The Preliminary Design Of Propeller Shafts
Liane Roldo, Nenad Vulić
University of Split (Croatia)
Abstract. The materials selection charts also known as “Ashby” charts are a versatile tool in engineering design. The use of such material property charts is due to technical difficulties in specifying properties during the design of a complex and major component as in the case of a propeller shaft…
Propeller Load Modelling In The Calculations Of Marine Shafting Torsional Vibrations
Nenad Vulić, Karlo Bratić, Branko Lalić, Ladislav Stazić
University of Split (Croatia)
Abstract. Technical rules of IACS classification societies require that calculations of torsional vibrations for all propulsion shafting systems, as well as for shafting systems of auxiliary machinery above certain power, shall be prepared, submitted and validated for the vessels requesting the class certificate.
Modeling Of The Dependence Of Co2 Contained In The Exhaust Gases On The Amount Of Hydrogen Gas Supplied To The Engine
Hristo Hristov, Ivailo Bakalov,
Bogdan Shopov, Dobromir Yovkov
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The idea of this publication is to show how mathematical modeling presents dependence of CO2 in the exhaust gases. Using quadratic function obtained results are with good approximation…
Technical Diagnostics Of Marine Equipment With Pseudo-Discrete Features
Guixin Fan1), Natalia Nikolova1),2), Ty Smith1), Kiril Tenekedjiev1), 2)
1)University of Tasmania (Australia)
2)Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Bulgaria)
Abstract. We present a system for technical diagnostics (TD) that can recognize the actual state of marine equipment. A Bayesian classifier is trained to identify the different classes of a piece of equipment, monitored through multiple pseudo-discrete features…
Contribution To The Reduction Of The Ship’s Switchboard By Applying Sensor Technology
Nediljko Kaštelan, Marko Zubčić,
Maja Krčum, Miro Petković
University of Split (Croatia)
Abstract. The paper discusses the contribution to energy efficiency by reducing the dimensions of the main switchboard (medium voltage or High Voltage – used on ship). Reducing the dimensions of the switchboards can be achieved by reducing the dimensions of the bus bars, while fully satisfying the conditions with regard to thermal and mechanical stresses…
The Stand For Fin Drives Energy Testing
Andrzej Grządziela 1),
Marcin Kluczyk 1), Tomislav Batur 2)
1) Polish Naval Academy (Poland)
2) University of Split (Croatia)
Abstract. The development of recreational diving and the new biomimetic vehicles for civilian and military purposes indicates that fins drives’ effectiveness should be a standard research procedure. The different sizes, construction and technical solutions of fin thrusters are the reason that no standard has been introduced for evaluating their efficiency…
Introduction Of 3D Printing Into Marine Electrical Engineering Education – A Case Study
Ivica Kuzmanić, Igor Vujović,
Zlatan Kulenović, Miro Petković
University of Split (Croatia)
Abstract. The research on 3D printing aboard ships is already under way. The private sector and the navy are both experimenting with its usage…
Modeling Of The Dependence Of The Produced Amount Of Hydrogen Gas (Y) On The Amperage Of Cell (X) Of A Marine Diesel Engine Skl 3Nvd24
Hristo Hristov, Ivaylo Bakalov,
Bogdan Shopov, Dobromir Yovkov
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The introduction of new fuels in the field of maritime transport is considered a serious challenge due to the harsh environmental conditions in which the motor ship must operate…
Shipyard Crane Modeling Methods
Pawel Piskur 1), Piotr Szymak 1),
Bartosz Larzewski 2)
1) FUD Technologies Sp. z o.o. (FT) (Poland)
2) Polish Naval Academy (Poland)
Abstract. The article discusses various crane mathematical modelling and simulation methodologies. The purpose of this study is to assess the effect of wind force on the dynamic of shipyard cranes, particularly hook movements in the horizontal plane…