Actual Issues Of Bilingual Hungarian-Bulgarian Lexicography
Dr. Lilyana Lesnichkova, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. he article focuses on the presentation of the Hungarian-Bulgarian valence dictionary, which is currently in preparation, against the background of an extremely actual task – the creation of an academic English-Bulgarian dictionary, adequately reflecting the current state of vocabulary in both languages...
Translating Nonce Words (A Corpus Study Based on a Novel)
Dr. Svetlana Nedelcheva
Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen (Bulgaria)
Abstract. Translators face different challenges in their everyday work. They have to deal with lexico-semantic, syntactic, pragmatic and cultural problems…
Distance Teaching Of Consecutive And Simultaneous Interpreting To Graduate Students: A Case Study
Assoc. Prof. Irina Tivyaeva, DSc., Dr. Albina Vodyanitskaya, Assoc. Prof.
Institute of Foreign Languages Moscow City University
Abstract. he goal of the paper is an attempt to offer a systematic description of the authors’ experience in distance teaching of a consecutive and simultaneous interpreting course to graduate students of linguistics within the concept of transitioning to online instruction.
Motivations And Difficulties In Learning Foreign Language That Contemporary Students Face
Absract. The present study aims to test students’ motivation in foreign language classes...
The “Global Simulations” Model In The Teaching Of Spanish In The Field Of Ichthyology
Mihal Pavlov, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. The purpose of this article is to present the contemporary application of global simulations in the teaching of specialized Spanish in the field of ichthyology...
Diachronic Analysis and Deictic Means of French Benevolences and Curses
Dr. Nargiz Seidova
Azerbaijan University of Languages (Azerbaijan)
Abstract. Benevolences and curses, integral and authentic part of the discourse, most clearly reflect the culture of people…
Language, Power, Media
Prof. Mariana Georgievа, DSc.
Institute for Bulgarian Language
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Absract. Media language is a prototype of the public consent for the media to be defined through compromise as a fourth position in the paradigm of power as a philosophical category, whose explications before the media are legislative, executive, judicial...
Slovak Language Teaching In Italy In The Context Of Slovak-Italian Cultural Relationships
Dr. Dagmar Kročanová, Аssoc. Prof.
Comenius University in Bratislava
Bratislava, Slovakia
Absract. The initial part of the paper describes the history of Slovak language and culture teaching in Italy, namely, Slovak lectorates at University of Naples L´Orientale, University of Rome Sapienza, and University of Bologna in Forlì...
For The Language Of The Personal Academic Documents Of The Bulgarian Sea Educational System
Kozhuharov, А., 2021. The Bulgarian Maritime Education System Personal Identification Academic Papers (1892–1946). Varna:
Nikola Vaptsarov
Naval Academy, 204 pages. ISBN 978-619-7428-55.
Prof. Mariyana Tsibranska-Kostova, DSc.
Institute for Bulgarian language
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Language ‘Gaffes’ And The Multifaceted Motivation Behind Them
Tincheva, N., 2019. Language Gaffes. Linguistic, Discursive
and Cognitive Aspects of ‘Language Bloopers’. Sofia: POLIS, 183 p. ISBN: 978-954-796-080-0
ISBN: 978-954-796-080-0
Prof. Maya Pencheva, DSc.
Sofia University
For Studying Bulgarian Language Abroad. Modern And Useful Learning Systems
Nestorova, P., Kutsarova, A. & Andonova, M., 2019. Balgarski ezik za V klas. Uchebno pomagalo za podpomagane na obuchenieto, organizirano v chuzhbina. Sofia: Prosveta.
Dr. Venera Mateeva-Baycheva, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University