Dr. Penka Marcheva, Assoc. Prof.
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
Pleven College of Pedagogy
Absract. The possibilities of symbols as means of implementing an interdisciplinary approach in teaching music and literature in primary education is the topic examined in this publication. This is a topic that is developed relatively rarely in pedagogical literature. In the theoretical aspects of this publication, the main parameters of the interdisciplinary approach, applicable to the education of students in 1st – 4th grades, which can be realized through literary and musical symbolism, are examined. Arguments supporting statements regarding the essence of symbols and the possibility of them functioning as denotation for one of the criteria for the manifestation and functioning of linguistic and musical intelligence, included in H. Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences, are brought forth. The focus is on the essence of the two types of symbols – literary and musical as means of forming
and developing the respective types of intelligence. The publication also examines
some practical and applied aspects, the main emphasis being fairy tales as a literary
genre and program music, which are rich in symbolism. Specific approaches to
pedagogical interaction are listed such as “building musical characterization of
a literary symbol”, “making sense of a specific musical work with the help of literary symbols”, “using literary symbols to realize musical content”. In this way, it is proven that they are a real basis for the implementation of an interdisciplinary educational approach in the education of primary school students.
Keywords: symbols; interdisciplinary approach; music and literature education; primary educational stage