Prof. Valeriy Efremov, DSc.
Russian Language Department
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Absract. Based on the concepts of such linguists and linguodidactists as D. Crystal, G. de Matos, A. Curtis, P. Friedrich and others, the work provides a brief historical excursion and analyzes the reasons for the emergence, subject and aims of the new direction in linguistics - peace linguistics as an independent area of humanitarian research (Peace Studies). The specificity of the use and the rich potential of the ideas of Peace Linguistics is demonstrated in the linguodidactic aspect. It is shown that the analysis of lexicographic sources can be carried out not only from the traditional point of view by representing linguocultural knowledge in them, but also from the point of view of the intrinsic concepts of chaos and order, conflict and harmony, war and peace.
Keywords: peace linguistics; linguodidactics; linguoculturology