Prof. Dr. Nadezhda Stalyanova
Sofia University
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elena Krejčová
Masaryk University, Brno, Czechia
Absract. This text explores the potential for updating the phraseological fund of the Bulgarian language in the Bulgarian public discourse and examines the influence of different types of updates on the specifics of the functioning of the given phraseological units in public speech. The most visible updates are those that clearly introduce new elements into the meaning of the original sustained phrase,
but at the same time retain the obvious connection to the original language unit.
Phraseological units, which are generally distinguished by semantic indivisibility,
stability of their lexical composition, invariable structure, imagery, emotionality and expressiveness, are subject to dynamic changes occurring in Bulgarian language in
recent years. We direct our interest to stable expressions, in the composition of
which a new component appears as a manifestation of lexical dynamics, which
replaces an already established one, or an additional element appears in the structure
of a phraseology, i.e. our attention will be directed mainly to the so-called lexical
updates of the phraseological fund. In the text, we trace the change (structural and
semantic) in a number of phraseological units in the Bulgarian language, in which
the entry of the lexical component kopeyka is observed. The excerpted material
is from two corpora – (Bulgarian web) and the corpus of
parliamentary speech ParlaMint corpus:
The examples extracted from the corpora are relevant for tracking the changes we
are interested in in the phraseological fund of the modern Bulgarian language.
Keywords: Bulgarian phraseological fund; phrasemеs; public speech, updating the phraseological fund