Dr. Marina Teofilova, Assoc. Prof.
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
Absract. At the beginning of the twentieth century in Bulgaria the developmentof the idea about art education has “common features” with the progressiveprocesses in other European countries, but is characterized with originality, which is determined by the national image and vitality of the Bulgarian art, influenced by the newly established National academy of art and from the democratic traditions in our
enlightenment work. The article attempts a new reading of the “School Practice”
journal, published in the period 1906 – 1912, which reflects bold and progressive for
its time pedagogical ideas related to the utopian idea of the ideal school. The study
of these progressive ideas for its time is based on historical retrospection, study and
interpretation of selected articles published in the “School Practiceˮ journal.
Keywords: aesthetic education; fine arts, art education; pedagogical press; school practice; movement for Artistic didactic