Adelina Miteva
Space Research and Technology Institute – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria)
Abstract. Nanotechnologies are practically applicable in all important areas of industry and everyday life. Nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary field covering natural and engineering sciences (e.g. mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology, military sciences, etc.), as well as health sciences due to its versatility. This article provides a brief overview of some of the current and potential applications of nanotechnology in sport and sports security. Some examples of what is and what can be created with the help of nanotechnology in these areas are given, for example: unique characteristic sports equipment, sportswear and architecture; ultra-small computers, durable and multifunctional materials for use in clothing, shoes, etc. A critical discussion is presented. Possible future extensions of work in this area are considered.
Keywords: sport; nanotechnology; sports applications; security; nanodevices; nanomaterials