Dr. Borislava Kirilova, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University
American College of Sofia
Absract. The paper analyzes the benefits and opportunities for the successful integration of Problem-Based Learning (PrBL) during the mathematics classes in the first secondary
school stage in order to form and develop key competences as well as skills for life and work in the 21st century in the context of the
Strategic Framework for the Development of Education, Training and Learning in the Republic of Bulgaria (2021 – 2030). PrBL
is discussed in the context of the competency-based approach that stimulates learners’ interest, challenging them to apply the knowledge and skills acquired during mathematics education in real-life scenarios. Based on an analysis of the widely used World Economic Forum competency framework, a competency framework for PrBL is developed as a tool for clearly defining learning objectives and applying effective assessment methods. An example of a successfully adopted practice of the project method at the American College of Sofia is also presented. The conclusions
indicate that by embedding competency models, stimulating active learning and forming problem-solving skills in addition to
conventional methods, PrBL could be used as an appropriate tool to achieve the goals defined in the Strategic Framework of
the Ministry of Education; active actions have been taken by the Ministry of Education both to train specialists in the field of education and to adapt the mathematics curricula for the successful implementation of the competency approach.
Keywords: competency-based learning; problem-based learning; MES strategic development framework; conceptual and competency framework; programming assessment