Prof. Dr. Siyka Demirova
Technical University – Varna
Dr. Nataliya Koleva, Assoc. Prof.
Technical University of Sofia
Abstract. The main objective of this report is to clarify what changes will occur in the functioning of industrial logistics systems using artificial intelligence. In addition, the global development and impact on logistics with its particularities in the various stages of technical development will be specified. The analysis so far shows that the logistics industrial systems will continue to function as subsystems of the industrial system because they are interconnected with certain interrelationships characterizing their structural systematicity and logistical security. Or the logistics system will be in equilibrium when the interconnections between these subsystems create conditions for the normal functioning of the entire industrial logistics system, providing logistical support to production. This essentially means that the interrelationship between the three types of subsystems, material, financial and informational, will form optimal relationships between them and those in the field of external industrial services. A subsystem of the logistics system with artificial intelligence is a part of this system that will allow solving tasks of the logistics system and at a higher level in a separate logistics activity or sphere of the business organization. The components of the logistics system with artificial intelligence, arranged in certain levels, ways and interrelationships, will form the logistics subsystems of a higher level, or logistics systems with artificial intelligence.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, highly automated logistics activities, artificial intelligence in logistics, levels of automation of logistics activities, logistics areas with artificial intelligence
JEL: L23, O14