Transforming Maritime Education for a Digital Industry
Dr. Christiana Atanasova, Assist. Prof.
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy
Abstract. In recent years, the application of digital technologies in education has been increasing to improve the efficiency of the educational process. The goal is to increase the effectiveness of the educational process through modern technologies, which include not only technical means supporting the teaching and learning process but also pedagogical methods, concepts, and forms of training...
Development of a Common Information System to Create a Digital Career Center Together with Partner Higher Schools
Prof. Dr. Yordanka Angelova,
Dr. Rossen Radonov, Assoc. Prof.
Vasil Kuzmov, Assist. Prof.
Technical University of Sofia
Stela Zhorzh Derelieva-Konstantinova
MS Comp Ltd.
Abstract. The purpose of the report presented by the authors is to present a methodical development of a software product and the sequence of its implementation to create a common information system of career centers in Technical University of Sofia and the partner organizations…
Drafting a Digital Transformation Strategy for Project Management Sector – Empirical Study on Uae
Mounir el Khatib, Shikha al Ali,
Ibrahim Alharam, Ali Alhajeri
School of Business & Quality Management,
Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University – Dubai, UAE
Dr. Gabriela Peneva, Assist. Prof., Prof. Jordanka Angelova,
Mahmoud Shanaa
Technical University of Sofia
Abstract. It is without a doubt that the impact of digital transformation and disruptive technologies has impacted all industries globally…
Voyage of Learning: Cruise Ships Weather Routing and Maritime Education
Prof. Svetlana Dimitrakieva,
Technical University of Varna – Varna (Bulgaria)
Dr. Dobrin Milev, Assist. Prof.,
Dr. Christiana Atanasova, Assist. Prof.
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy
Abstract. The cruise ship companies place the highest emphasis on the safe operations of the vessels and safety of both crew and passengers….
Research on the Sustainable Development Competences of the Landscape Architect in Practice
Land. arch. Elena Dragozova, Assoc. Prof.,
Dr. Stanislava Kovacheva, Assoc. Prof.
University of Forestry – Sofia
Abstract. The sustainable development of an environment in which people live, work, play sports and relax is among the priorities for the well-being of society…
Economic Conflict Management Education in Bulgaria – Current State and Challenges in the Prism of Industry 5.0 and the Disruptive Technologies
Dr. Ivaylo B. Ivanov, Assoc. Prof.
University of National and World Economy
Abstract. The systematic study of economic conflict issues began in the late 1950s. most especially in the United States and Western Europe…
Study of the Key Factors Influencing the Effective Planning and Utilization of Production Facilities in the Industrial Enterprise
Dr. Tanya Panayotova, Assoc. Prof.,
Dr. Krasimira Dimitrova, Assoc. Prof.,
Neli Veleva, PhD student
Industrial Management department – Technical University of Varna, Bulgaria
Abstract. In the modern world, the development of technology, machinery and equipment follows a rapid upward trend of constant innovative solutions….
Impact of the Publicization of Corporate Culture on the Internet on the Financial and Economic Indicators of Courier Companies in Bulgaria
Assoc. Prof. Ilian Minkov,
Assoc. Prof. Yordan Ivanov
University of Economics – Varna
Abstract. In the current conditions of a dynamic and highly competitive market environment, the official corporate culture of companies published online plays an essential role in building up their image…
Simulator Training – Unique Powerful Instrument for Educating, Skills Creating, Mitigating Skills and Resilience Creating
Prof. Dimitar Dimitrakiev, Vencislav Stankov, Assist. Prof.,
Dr. Christiana Atanasova, Assist. Prof.
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Bulgaria)
Abstract. Simulator training, a pivotal component of contemporary maritime education, emerges as a potent and distinctive tool for shaping mariners’ knowledge, competencies, and fortitude…
Структурни промени в обучението на мениджъри за Индустрия 5.0
Доц. д-р Недко Минчев, доц. д-р Венета Христова,
гл. ас. д-р Иван Стоянов
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
Absract. Революционните промени в развитието на индустриалните предприятия задават нов икономически и социален порядък в обществата, като генерират нови полета на бизнес, пренареждат трудовите пазари и чертаят изцяло различен начин, по който осъществяват бизнеса си стопанските организации…
Increasing CSR, through a Methodology for Intelligent Personal Efficiency of Employees
Petya Biolcheva, Assoc. Prof.
University of National and World Economy
Evgeni Valchev, PhD student
University of Plovdiv
Abstract. Corporate social responsibility affects the interests of a wide range of stakeholders, but among the most important for it are the employees themselves in the organizations…
Research of the Innovation Capacity of Agricultural Producers
Dr. Siya Veleva, Assoc. Prof.; Prof. Dr. Eng. Margarita Mondeshka
University of Architecture, Civil Eng. and Geodesy – Sofia (Bulgaria)
Dr. Anka Tsvetanova, Assoc. Prof.,
Technical University of Sofia (Bulgaria)
Abstract. Bulgarian agriculture lags behind global trends in innovation activity. This is largely due to the fact that it is carried out by predominantly small owners (farmers), who usually do not have a good opportunity to introduce innovations or they underestimate their importance. The results are reduced operational efficiency and problematic development sustainability…