A new Formula for the Area of the Quadrilateral (Reading for Grade 7th)
1) Prof. DSc. Jordan Tabov, 2) Dr. Asen Velchev, Assist. Prof.
3) Dr. Stanislav Stefanov, Assist. Prof 4) Haim Haimov, MSc math.
1) Institute of Mathematics and Informatics -Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
2) Technical University – Sofia
3) University of Archtecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy - Sofia, Bulgaria
4) 16, Bratya Shkorpil Str. - Varna, Bulgaria
Absract. Here we derive formula for the area of a quadrilateral with angle 45º between the diagonals, which is a special case of a more general formula for the area of a quadrilateral (Haimov 2022)...
The Power of a Point – a Vector Perspective
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Boyko Bantchev
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Abstract. Vector algebra is a very effective calculation language for doing geometry. It is expressive and succinct, and tends to foster generality and simplicity…
Formulae for theAreas of Some Kinds of Polygons and its Application in Proving Relations in them
1) Prof. DSc. Jordan Tabov, 2) Dr. Asen Velchev, Assist. Prof.
Dr. Stanislav Stefanov, Assist. Prof 3), Haim Haimov, MSc math. 4)
1) Institute of Mathematics and Informatics -Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
2) Technical University – Sofia
3) University of Archtecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy - Sofia, Bulgaria
4) 16, Bratya Shkorpil Str. - Varna, Bulgaria
Absract. А new formula for the area of an arbitrary quadrilateral is applied to derive formulae for the areas of some kinds of polygons with any number of sides...
Obligations and Requirements for the Qualification and University Education of the Information and Communication Technologies Department Chair in Bulgarian Schools
Dr. Mariyana Nikolova, Assoc. Prof., Neli Kiskinova, Assist. Prof.
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
Absract. The article analyzes the structure of a school institution and the place of the position of Information and Communication Technologies Department Chair in educational environments...
Тестовите задачи от държавния зрелостен изпит за профил „Информатика“ през учебната 2021/2022 година
Dr. Dimitar Atanasov, Assoc. Prof.1), Dr. Krassimir Manev 2),
Dr. Vesela Stoimenova, Assoc. Prof. 3), State expert Ralica Voynova 4)
1) Dept. Informatics, New Bulgarian University
2) Journal Mathematics and Informatics
3) Faculty of Math and Informatics, Sofia University
4) Ministry of Education and Science
Absract. In the academic year 2021/2022, the first class of Informatics Specialization in Secondary school Informatics graduated and the first State Matriculation Examinations were held for the graduates of the specialization...
Several Opportunities for Implementing the Training in “computer modeling and information technologies” in the 7th Grade
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Krasimir Harizanov
Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The article discusses some programming environments that can be applied in the 7th grade “Computer Modeling” classes…
To the Issue of Publicly Available National Databases Containing Descriptions of Vulnerabilities for Mobile Device Operating Systems
Stoyan Mechev, PhD student
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy
Absract. The paper aims to examine publicly available vulnerability databases and their systems for assessing the severity of damage that can be caused by malware targeting mobile devices running Android or iOS...