Student Attitudes towards Learning Chemistry: Characteristics, Factors, and Research Tools
Martina Evgenieva, PhD student
Sofia University
Absract. The attitudes are defined as one of the main factors for increasing the students’ achievements in chemistry and choosing a professional realization in this field...
Hybrid, Blended, and Hyflex Learning as Future Models for Education
Snejana Dineva
Trakia University of Stara Zagora
Abstract. The education system continuously adapts to address abnormal social fluctuations such as pandemic lockdowns, climate change, disasters, and social distractions during war, migration, and more…
Non-Formal Education in Biology through the “View”of Students, Teachers and Parents
Dr. Isa Hadjiali, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. The article presents the results of a survey among students, teachers and parents on non-formal educational activities...
The Video Experiment in Learning: A Model for Its Application in the Study of Chemistry and Environmental Protection
Dr. Yordanka Stefanova, Assoc. Prof.,
Dr. Stoyanka Nikolova Atanasova, Assoc. Prof.,
Desislava Ivanova, Student
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Absract. In this paper, the focus is on the video experiment in learning. Its application in the teaching of Chemistry and Environmental Protection is justified...
STEM Education: Enhancing Students' Competencies through Innovations in the Nutrition and Health Lesson in 5th Grade
Dr. Damyana Grancharova, Assist. Prof.,
Sanush Lapandova
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”
Absract. Статията се фокусира върху значението и предимствата на STEM образованието, като подчертава практичното учене, критичното мислене и приложението на научни концепции…
Teaching for a Sustainable Future: Case Studies from the Green Schools Project in Bulgaria
Lachezar Afrikanov
New Bulgarian University
Abstract. This article examines the implementation and impact of green education activities in primary schools across Bulgaria, as part of the Green Schools Project, supported by Erasmus+ Programme…
The Role of the University Botanical Garden – Sofia, for the Promotion and Study of Plant Biodiversity
Dr. Juliana Atanassova, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
University Botanic Garden – Sofia
Absract. The article presents brief information about the foundation, structure and diversity of plant collections in the Botanical Garden of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" in Sofia...
Evaluating the Efficacy of Water Alternating Gas Injection Technique in the Upper Jurassic Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, Considering Saturation Pressure
Meil Hofmann1), Sudad H. Al-Obaidi2), Wang J. Chang3)
1,2)Mining University (Russia)
3)University of Xidian (China)
Abstract. A tertiary method of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) based on the water-gas alternating injection process (WG) is examined in this article based on the ratio between saturation pressure and reservoir pressure…