Preferences for Competing Temporal Forms in Subordinate Clauses in Contemporary Bulgarian. An Analysis of Survey Data
Prof. Krasimira Aleksova, DSc., Dr. Danka Apostolova, Assoc. Prof.,
Dr. Yana Sivilova, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Laska Laskova, Assist. Prof.,
Dr. Mihaela Moskova, Assist. Prof., Diana Androva
Sofia University
Institute for Bulgarian Language “Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin”
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Absract. This study presents and discusses the results of a non-representative survey conducted with 3166 Вulgarian native speakers, investigating respondents’ preferences for competing temporal forms of verbs in different types of subordinate clauses, when the context expresses temporal features that the verb in the subordinate clause should carry..
Hyperfunctions of the Revival Text. On the Beginnings of the Modern Bulgarian Literary Language
Dr. Vladislav Milanov, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. This article is dedicated to the specificity of messages in texts from the Bulgarian National Revival period...
The Opposition Own – Foreign in the Speech of Bulgarian Catholics from Belene in Lexical Examples
Dr. Magdalena Abadzhieva, Chief Assistant
Institute for Bulgarian Language “Prof. Ljubomir Andreychin”
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria)
Absract. The article examines two lexemes from the speech of the Bulgarian Catholics of Belene, originating from rites and dances of the Orthodox population in the city, by which are named unacceptable actions...
Follow Debelyanov‘s Shadow
Prof. Tatiana Ichevska, DSc.
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
„Paisii Hilendarski“ University of Plovdiv
Absract. Georgi Raichev feels the continuous need to remember and tell about his friend Debelyanov and he does so –in practice, until the end of his life...
Socialisation and Resocialisation of “Feral” Children (On Examples from Folklore and Literary Works)
Dr. Daniel Polihronov, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University
Faculty of Education
Absract. The article interprets the problem of socialisation and resocialisation of “feral” children on the example of real-life stories, folklore and literary works...
Time Imagery in Bulgarian Revival-period Poetry
Dr. Elena Getova, Assoc. Prof.
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Absract. This paper traces the temporal markers (year, day, hour, minute, moment) in Bulgarian Revival-period poetry...
On the Possibilities of Poetry Turned into music. Experiences with Authors, Part of the Required and Elective Training Program
Dr. Irena Dimova-Gencheva, Assist. Prof.
Prof. d-r Asen Zlatarov University
8010 Burgas, Bulgaria
Absract. The proposed article examines the relationship between verse and music in the context of the popular Bulgarian song and the lyric poetry itself...
The Perception and Meaning of a Literary Text in the Initial Stage of the Basic Level of Education in the Context of the Use of Cross-Curricular Connections (The Teacher‘s Point of View)
Desislava Krasteva, PhD Student
Sofia University
Absract. The article examines the problem of perceiving and making sense of a literary text, using interdisciplinary connections for this purpose...
Non-Jubilee for the Anniversary of Rumyana Damyanova
Dr. Andriana Spasova, Assist. Prof.
Institute for Literature
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Sofia, Bulgaria
Dialects as а Written Text, or on the Textual Phenomenology of Bulgarian Dialects
Ivan G. Iliev, Petko D. Petkov, On the Local Vernacular Literature
or on the New Bulgarian Written Dialectal Language Forms.
Sofia: Bukvitsa, 2023. ISBN 978-954-92858-8-8
DSc. Maya Gorcheva, Assoc.Prof.
University of Librarianship and Information Technologies (Sofia)