Dr. Delyan Hristov, Assoc. Prof.,
Dr. Dimitar Vasilev, Assist. Prof.,
Iliyan Kurtev, Аssist. Prof.
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The present publication shows the results of the planned experiment with a two-stroke dual fuel engine with low pressure of the fuel gas supply in simulated environment on the Wartsila Voyage technological simulator available in Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy. The aim of the publication is to facilitate the training process for the specific features in the two different modes of operation of the dual fuel engines on liquid and gas fuel in the context of the turbocharging system condition. The outcomes of the training need to cover the minimum knowledge for safe operation of the ship power plant by the trainees. The subject of the research is a low-speed two-stroke dual fuel engine WIN GD 6X72 DF. The plan of the experiment includes variation in the degree of fouling of the turbine and compressor side of the engine turbocharger ABB A180L and the associated deviations in the engine performance parameters. The variety of performance parameters selected for examination allows the conclusion of several outcomes with technical and educational benefits for the training process. They could be used in the lectures and exercises carried out with the under- and post-graduates in the marine engineering specialty.
Keywords: education and training; engine simulator; WIN GD 6X72 DF; turbocharger fouling; engine performance deviation