Assoc. Prof. Verka Sasheva Ivanova, PhD
Assist. Prof. Velin Petrov, PhD
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
Absract. The article analyzes the current Bulgarian language curricula in primary and secondary education. A number of problems are pointed out both in the curricula and in the overall process of teaching Bulgarian from the 1st to the 12th grade. Consequently, measures which could significantly improve the quality of the educational process are proposed. The level of the Bulgarian language education
at school and in higher education has a leading role in raising the authority of
the Bulgarian language, in making the native Bulgarian speakers literate and in preserving the national and the cultural identity of the Bulgarians in the globalizing world.
Keywords: Bulgarian language curricula; school education; functional literacy; communicative approach; competency-based approach