ISSN: 0861–6302 (Print), 1314–8559 (Online)
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Vladimir Gradev, DSc. - Sofia University
Scientific editor: Dr. Silvia Petrova
How to submit a manuscript to „Philosophy“ journal – step by step
Filosofiya-Philosophy is a scholarly publication aimed at promoting research and discussion in all areas of philosophy: metaphysics, epistemology, logic, ethics, aesthetics, social and political philosophy, history of philosophy and philosophy of science, religion, history, language, education, etc. Due to the topicality of the issue, the journal also promotes research in the field of psychology. The journal aims not only to provoke research in a wide range of problem areas, but also to contribute to the improvement of learning.
At the same time, it seeks to stimulate the exchange of ideas between philosophers and scientists and from other fields of humanities, natural and social sciences, education, arts and religion. To achieve its goals, the editorial board accepts articles that could contribute to enriching philosophical knowledge and improving its teaching. It is the policy of the editors to establish the journal as an open forum for valuable discussion, as well as a valuable source of information for all those interested in philosophy. From this it follows that all kinds of developments are accepted, regardless of the philosophical school or the conceptual premises from which they are developed.
The articles can be critical or constructivist, systematic or fragmented, speculative or exploratory, historical or thematic. The journal also offers a review of philosophical literature to keep its readers informed about contemporary research and new publications. It is important to note that the views expressed in the publications do not reflect the understandings of the editors.
Publication frequency – 4 issues per year.
0.1 (2023) Q3 (2023)
Impact factor Rank by JCI
Filosofiya-Philosophy articles are referenced and indexed in:
– Web of Science
– The Philosopher’s Index
– European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS)
– Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL)
– EBSCOhost Research Databases
– Google Scholar, Primo (Ex Libris), Summon (ProQuest)